
elefantitos para soñar grandezas (rojo)

little elephants to dream greatness (red)

#giloart #giloartista #giloartist

Technique: Acrylic on Paper.

You may have already heard the story of the elephants and their connection. What you may not know is that I didn’t just do one elephant, but a series of elephants, and the main reason I did it was not because I enjoyed each and every one of them, it was because I thought my client wasn’t going to like the first one. I delivered more than the value I was already giving; this is related to the imposter syndrome: when you think you don’t deserve the pay, the fame, when you think you don’t deserve many of the things you earned. However, you are going to enjoy the extra effort you put in, you are going to persist, so each of the little elephants deserves its own enjoyment.


Quizá ya escuchaste la historia de los elefantes y sus conexiones, lo que quizá no sepas es que no solamente hice un elefante sino un serie de elefantes y la razón primordial por la cual lo hice no fue por disfrutar cada uno de ellos, fue porque pensé que a mi cliente no le iba a gustar. Entregué más del valor que ya estaba entregando, esto está relacionado con el síndrome del impostor: cuando crees que no mereces la paga, la fama, cuando crees que no mereces muchas de las cosas que te ganaste. Sin embargo el esfuerzo que das de más lo vas a disfrutar, vas a persistir, así que cada uno de los elefantitos merece su disfrute.





1,000 USD

19,000 MX

Unique piece

We recommend See the artwork in real life.


400 USD

8,000 MX

Experiment with the artist

Let´s  talk about your proyect.


50 USD

900 MX

Print of the original piece

Copy of the original piece on a high quality canvas.


20 USD

400 MX

Small Print of the original piece

Copy of the original piece on a high quality canvas.

Original pieces are unique, authentic example of the works of an artist.  An original work is the final piece and the result of a single individual interpretation of life by one single artist.

A mix or experimental piece combines a print with extra evidence from the masterful hand of the original artist.  

The artist works over a print and creates a new prototype of the piece, giving a reinterpretation and flexibility of his own work.


A print is a copy or  reproductions, of an original piece.  Prints reach greater audience than originals, and act as a tonic to the commodification and communication of the artwork.