Since 2010

About Us

We are arteem, remember that.

We are a digital platform to exhibit, promote, sell and distribute the artwork created by international artists in Mexico.

#arteem #ateem310

Digital Physical Experience


We create value through a digital and physical experience and the most unique and talented artists in Mexico. 

Our mission is to provide the best experience for art buyers with our digital-physical platform and the most talented contemporary art creators in Mexico.

Our vision is to be the best, most prolific, scalable, and trusted art platform for contemporary artwork in Mexico. 

We follow our values


We are aware of paradigms and opinions, we seek data and its context to achieve knowledge and apply it.

We are committed to being authentic, open, honest, direct, ethical, and timely with our information and feedback. We constructively challenge in the spirit of getting to the best possible result. We act with uncompromising integrity.

We are bold and innovative. We take risks, fail fast, and learn from mistakes to be better, faster, and smarter. We are the owner of what we master and we share it.

We means we. We appreciate, respect, trust, and rely on each and every one of us. We commit to team and individual success. We are stronger together.


We listen, learn, and anticipate our customers and partners needs to exceed their expectations.

We deliver value with quality, legacy, and discipline. It reflects on all our products and services that our customers and partners can always rely on.

We keep learning to seek value on a changing environment. We think on why we do things, we change change itself.  We engage in vocabulary, conversations, projects, and actions of value. We stumble outside the comfort zone, an attitude is unnecessary and has no place in growth. And even then, we are compassionated to ourselves and to others.

We represent contemporary artists


Do you think you have what it takes to be part of of the talent that we promote?  Are you value?

It is impossible to objectively define quality in a new artist, so how do you introduce a new talent to your customers?  This could literally be a million dollars question.   After many years promoting art, it is not only the artists that can align with our mission, vision, and values, but the ones that find the way to create value even in impossible situations and survive many years of mastery and perfection of their own art craft. 

We have our own standards, we must, we have to.  We do it because we respect and honor our customers and the relationships that we nurture with the ecosystem.  We expect our artists to have at least  50 painting, or 10 murals, or 30 sculptures,  or 5 private expositions, or 10 documented multi-artist expositions.    

Contradicting the previous lines, we also follow and celebrate our values.  We are drive, we are value, we are compassion.  In any time in history, in any place on this earth, the best artists believe in themselves.  So the question remains:  Do you think you have what it takes to be part of the talent that we promote?  Are you value?  Then be so kind as to contact us with your portfolio at [email protected].

We provide art services

arteem Services


Services are presented as a Gallery exhibitions analogy.






See all the artwork in one place.



art by size

what dimensions are good for you?



art by price

How much are you going to invest today?



art by private collectors

Sold pieces in private collections.



art by artist

All about the creators.



art by appointment

See the artwork in real life.



art as a service

Rent some of our pieces for some time.




Functional design by our artists.




El Chuper Godínez, The Drinko Godinez.




About Us,  New artists.




Blogging about art.

We belong to a 3BE

Business Partners

arteem and 3BElabs had a long-standing and strong relationship from many years.  Our mutual growth, respect, and collaboration as business partners keep us moving forward to create mutual value for our customers and internal teams.  Find more about 3BElabs and our business partners in our blog.

Business Partners

Solution Integration, Consulting, Technology Co-Creation and Business Partners